《I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone》Home alone PPT精品课件

《I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone》Home alone PPT精品课件《I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone》Home alone PPT精品课件

外研版九年级英语上册《I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone》Home alone PPT精品课件,共16页。

Lead in

Talk about some special holidays

Do you have a perfect holiday when you stay at home alone?

What holiday do you think is perfect?

Work in pairs. Talk about daily things you do alone and the things your parents do for you.

cook dinner

go shopping

tidy up

wash clothes

Read the text quickly, choose the best summary.

a) Zheng Chenyu found his life more difficult without his parents.

b) Zheng Chenyu depended on his parents to prepare his meals.

c) Zheng Chenyu had so much homework that he did not have time to look after  himself.

d) Zheng Chenyu should learn to cook.

Language points

1. (be) a bit unhappy with    对……有一点不满意

2. turn off                           关闭

3.  (be) bored with              对……厌烦

3. come true                      实现

4. be worried about           担心

5. on business                    出差 

6. have fun                        玩得开心

7. as soon as                      一……就

8. wake up   醒来

9. hurry to   匆匆忙忙去……

10. ask sb. for   向某人寻求某物 ;向某人索要某物

11.  hand in     交上; 递交; 呈送

12. With an empty stomach, I was starving …

with an empty stomach在句中作伴随状语。例如:

The young man went home with a happy heart.

13. be unable / able to  不能/能够做……

后面接动词原形。例如:Lucy was unable to find out what had happened.


Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子 

1. You can’t leave the bag___________ (空的).

2. This problem is as ___________(简单的)as that one.

3. Mum, I have a pain in my___________ (肚子).

4. My father has gone to Shanghai _____________(出差) .

5. We should ____________ (收拾;整理) the room.

6. When I _______ (醒来), I found my parents both out.

7. My dream has _________ (实现).

8. Remember to _________ (关闭) the lights when you leave.


1. ______ (do) morning exercises is good for health.

2. We are all _______ (bore) with the hard work.

3. Are you able to _______ (hand) in your homework on time?

4. I found my brother _________ (watch) TV when I got home.

5. We enjoyed _________ (we) at the party.

6. Many _________ (teenager) depend on their parents too much.


Write a passage about what you can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away.

… … …

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