《When was it invented?》PPT习题课件(第5课时)

《When was it invented?》PPT习题课件(第5课时)《When was it invented?》PPT习题课件(第5课时)

人教版九年级英语上册《When was it invented?》PPT习题课件(第5课时),共11页。


Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. Edison was a great ______________. He ______________ a lot of useful things. He had over 1,000 ______________ in his life. (invent)

2. Jim was seen ________ (go) out of the room. 

3. The students were asked not  __________(leave) the classroom until the teacher came. 

4. Do you have a______________(person) computer now?

5. I’ll go there to find out who broke my bike  ______________(I). 

Ⅱ. 从方框中选短语并用其适当形式填空

by accident, divide into, look up to, without doubt, 

take place, all of a sudden, think of, by mistake

1. These students are ________________ several groups to practice speaking English. 

2. The policeman found the truth ____________________ when he talked with other people in his free time. 

3. ______________________, a strange sound came from the forest, and it made us surprised. 

4. The tea trade from China to Western countries _______________ in the 19th century. 

5. —What do you ________________ these soap operas?

—I can’t stand them. 

6. ________________, China is becoming stronger and stronger in the world. 

7. They all ________________ their English teacher because she’s so knowledgeable. 

8. I’m sorry to take Tom’s schoolbag ____________. 


Ⅳ.   (2017·淄博)还原短文


The Silk Road went from China to Eastern Europe.  It went along the north of China, India, and Persia and ended up in Eastern Europe near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. 

It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China.  Chinese silk was soft and of high quality.  So people throughout Asia and Europe loved it very much.   1. ________ Even the Romans called China the “land of silk”. 

Besides silk, the Chinese also sold tea, salt, sugar, porcelain(陶瓷), and spices.  Most of the goods were expensive.  This was because it was a long trip and traders didn’t have a lot of room for goods.  They bought goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver. 

Traders traveled in large caravans.  They would have many guards with them.   2. ________ Most of the road was through dry land.  So camels were popular animals for transport. 

Although there was some trade between China and the rest of the world for some time, the silk trade developed quickly during the Han Dynasty which ruled from 206 BC to 220 AD.   3. ________ During this time the Mongols controlled most of the trade road, and Chinese traders traveled safely.  Also, traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule. 

4. ________ It not only helped to develop trade between different countries, but also helped for ideas, culture and inventions to spread across the world.

A. The Silk Road was important. 

B. The Chinese sold silk for thousands of years.

C. The Silk Road was full of wealth as well as danger. 

D. Traveling in a big group like a caravan helped in protecting themselves. 

E. Later, under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, trade from China along the Silk Road was fully developed.

… … …

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