《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第5课时)

《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第5课时)《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第5课时)

人教版九年级英语下册《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第5课时),共12页。


Ⅰ. 从方框中选恰当的连词填空

but, because, however, though, while, since, and, or

1. Lucy is very young, ________ she can live on her own. 

2. I was writing a letter ____________ she was making a telephone call. 

3. Hurry up, ________ we’ll be late for school. 

4. ____________ Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard. 

5. Work hard, ________ your dream will come true. 

6. I didn’t accept his help ____________ I wanted to try it myself. 

7. Mr.  Green has been studying Chinese history ________ he came to China. 

8. I’d like to go with you this weekend, ____________, I have so much homework to do. 

Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. I think my problem must  ________________(solve) with your help. 

2. We could often hear the birds  ________(sing) in the trees in the past. 

3. Many kids like  ____________(color) clothes very much. 

4. Something strange  ____________(happen) in our neighborhood last night. 

5. My mother bought me a pair of  ____________(run) shoes yesterday afternoon. 

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 昨天我们到学校有点晚了。

We arrived at school  ________  ________  ________ yesterday. 

2. 我想一定有人捡到它了。

I think somebody must ________ ________ it up. 

3. 你必须立刻把你的作业处理了。

You must deal with your homework  ______________ ______________  ____________. 



Detective stories  1. _______________(be) popular since Conan Doyle wrote his famous stories about the great detective Sherlock Holmes.  Readers read this kind of stories mainly for pleasure. 

In a story, a man was murdered.  Who did it and why? Mr.  X hated the dead person and wanted to kill him, but had no chance.  He was somewhere else when the murder took place.  Mr.  Y could do it easily, but seemed  2. ________________(have) no reason to do it.  Mr.  Z had got all the dead man’s money, so he had reason for  3. ____________(kill) him.  Was X,Y, or Z the murderer? Or was it somebody else? In the end the detective will find out the answers to all the questions, and the story will not end until the mystery  4. _____________(solve). 

The ending is always unexpected.  The criminal turns out to be that nice Mr.  C, who you  5. ______________(think) would never hurt an ant! At the end of the story, all the clues become clear and you  6. ______________(say), “Oh yes, of course, it is the truth. ”

… … …

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